Contact Me

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31 Responses to Contact Me

  1. Jenifer Musselman says:

    Hi Paige,
    I attended the Gaither Songw. Intensive in June. I love your version of Jesus Loves Me. It truly ministered to me. I wasn’t raised in church but went a couple of times when I was around five years old and we sang that song once. I was an adult before I ever heard the Gospel. However, that song/message stayed with me throughout my childhood and it was amazing how God used it during really tough times to keep me longing for Him. Thank you for the reminder of just how faithful God was to me during that time! Jenifer Musselman

  2. Winifred Short via Burta Lancaster says:

    I hope this post is not an intrusion. My mom is 86 years old. She suffered a stroke about 8 years ago, so my husband & I came to live with her on her little plot of property, moving a mobile home next to her house. We got a small heard of three ewes, chickens, guineas, and ducks. Mom spends many hours watching the marvelous show these animals perform for her daily entertainment. She started writing children’s stories about a squirrel and how he interacts with the farm animals. Her love of nature and our Father’s creation spills out in these stories. I gathered some of the stories and had them published. Teachers and Sunday School teachers report back to us that the children just love them. I need some ideas as to how to promote this charming set of stories so more children can learn how precious Father‘s world is. I started a facebook page that shows some of my illustrations for the stories. Please check it out and if it seems good in your opinion, help me spread the word. Facebook Winifred Short. Cheeky the Curious Squirrel is available on Thank you so much. Burta Lancaster

  3. Libby says:

    Thank you so much for writing this. What a powerful and beautiful reminder for all of us as teachers as we head to make a Christ-like difference in children’s lives.
    Thank you,
    Libby Smylie

  4. Sally Bolen says:

    I am on the other end of my teaching career. I have ‘graduated’ from second grade after a couple of decades and now teach online for a local college. I love my new career because it allows me to meet the concerns of a family that includes the needs of our parents, children and grandchildren!
    Your comments rang true from beginning to end. I totally relate to the time management concerns and the need to follow Christ on both sides of the classroom door. Christian teachers are vital in the lives of our students. We may be the only happy face those children see and ours the only kind words they hear all day, all week, all year.
    The first thing that caught my eye as I opened your blog, referred by a friend on FaceBook, was the tag line, ‘God is the author. I am the sharer.’ I have been writing a daily reflection on FaceBook to bring a more positive atmosphere to what can be a negative environment. Following a recent comment (compliment) by a reader, I said, ‘God speaks, I write.’ I understand your motivation and your passion. Thank you.

  5. Rustin Hamilton says:

    Hi Paige,

    Loved your article on teaching in public school. My wife also teaches kindergarten at a public school in Kansas City and I couldn’t help but smile when I read the details in your post. (Meetings, meetings, meetings!) I’ve heard them all before and I feel for everyone in your situation. Ellen, (my wife) recently went through stage lll breast cancer and continued teaching throughout her bi-lateral breast removal, chemo and radiation. She only took off on those really sick days and for a few weeks after her surgery. She’s a trooper … but nothing get’s her down more than when other Christians secretly criticize her for teaching in a public school instead of a Christian school, or home school. (There’s a topic for ya!) Kudos to you and all the Christian teachers out there who take on this special mission field where you are only allowed to say so much but can still make such a tremendous difference in the lives of little ones. As you said … “God is everywhere.”

  6. Donna Wilson says:

    thank you for this reminder. sometimes it is difficult to remember that we are called to love the children (and the parents) first and foremost.

  7. KL says:

    I just read your amazing post about loving our children as Christ loves us. Usually my goal at the beginning of each year is to simply try a new strategy, be more organized, or have a cuter room. It has been on my heart the last few months to show the fruits is the Spirit to my kiddos.

    Thank you for sharing your inspirational post. 🙂

    -First Grade Teacher

  8. Pam says:

    Paige, Thank you for your post! I am a fellow teacher and God called out of the classroom last December to care for my grandson. Such a blessing! I am having difficulty getting the song link to play. Any suggestions?

  9. Paige! I wanted to do this earlier, but am just now getting to it. I wanted to thank you for reading and liking my blogs. You have been an encouragement to me! 🙂

  10. Tina & Jared Martindale says:

    I was moved by Gloria Gaithers words in the Homecoming Sept/Oct issue where you spoke about “being” and not doing. Noticed you wrote a song based on that message and would love to see the lyrics to this song. thank you, Jared Delaware, Ohio

  11. Amber says:

    Hi, Paige!! I was so blessed today to see ( and hear) you sharing the Good News and Hope of JESUS!! Thank you for using your talents so beautifully for Him. I would love to sit down and have a long chat, to catch up… 🙂 (Your little boys are too cute, too! )

  12. Susan Jones says:

    Hi,Paige thank you so much for your words of encouragement and wisdom. I was physically and mentally burned out from teaching a young challenging class but I let my guard down and was fired. I know God has forgiven me but I am still hurting and yet I am blessed with another opportunity to serve and be a blessing to others. Your words gave me hope and reminded me of Gods love! Susan

  13. Lorrie Eignus says:

    I so love your writing!!! How can I follow you? I have been teaching 30 years, many of which were in Kindergarten, and what you say is practical, funny, and spiritually uplifting! God has truly blessed you with many talents! Thank you for sharing!!!
    Because Jesus lives,
    Lorrie Eignus

    • Paige Givens says:

      If you are on your phone, you can scroll all the way to the bottom and click “view full site”. Then, you’ll see a follow button on the bottom right.
      I’m so glad you like the site!
      Because He lives, I can face tomorrow!!!!!

  14. Linda Bennett says:

    Hi Paige,
    Can you share with me the source of the drawing of Jesus pulling Peter out of the water from your July 22,2014 post? Thanks ! My email address is
    Linda Bennett

  15. Erin says:

    Hi Paige,
    So I’m going to be a first year teacher next fall and I have been thinking a lot about how to be a Christian in a public school and your words in this post were so encouraging! I am wondering your advice on teaching evolution in a public school as a Christian. I am sure it will be in the curriculum and I will be obligated to teach it, but I want to teach it in a way that is honoring to God and in a way where I do not come across as saying evolution is the only belief.
    What are your thoughts and advice on this?

    • Paige Givens says:

      Hi! I’m sorry that I didn’t see this comment until now. My boys’ teachers have taught evolution as a theory of some scientists, and have included other theories as well, including the biblical truths. I hope that helps and I hope you’re having a great year!

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